Belgrade experience – VIP packages are specially created to satisfy even the most demanding clients. These are ideal gifts for bachelorette parties, birthdays, celebrations. In case you are celebrating a bachelor party, a birthday for a male person, you can contact us freely because we have the same VIP packages created for men with female strippers. If you have special wishes, ideas, feel free to contact us and we will try to realize them. Reservations for clubs, DJs for private parties, smoke, lighting, entertainment, catering and much more we have ready for your unforgettable party.
First of all, let us emphasize that there is nothing similar in our area. Our VIP packages are unique and crazy fun, and we are the only ones where you can find this type of gift. These VIP packages are an ideal opportunity to let loved ones know how much you mean to them.
1. Gift for friend, gift for sister, gift from godmother, gift for bachelorette party, gift for 18th birthday, gift for mom, gift for colleague.
2. A gift for a bachelor party, a gift for a boyfriend, a gift for a friend, a gift for a godfather, a gift for an 18th birthday, a gift for a colleague.
OдличноНа основу 164 рецензијеJelena Basic Palkovic2023-09-13Sve pohvale,hvala za extra provod. Sve preporuke????Sara Nikolic2023-09-02Vrlo zabavno i lepo iskustvo. Sasa je pravi profesionalac. Sve pohvale za njega i njegov performans.Vijoleta Zivanovic2023-08-31Covek za svaku pohvalu,ljubazan,korektan,pristojan i nasmejan! Saradnja od samog početka je bila top,hvala ti,hvala za performans,uspelo nam je iznenadjenje????????Sandra Čurović2023-08-17Super provod, sve pohvale!Ilic Minja2023-07-31top performans! ;)Jovana Lazic2023-07-17Hvala ti puno što si ucinio naše vece savrsenim. Sve preporuke za Saleta, najbolji je u onome što radi, i čini da se svaka oseća posebnom! Jedva cekamo neko sledeće druženje ????
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